JCWR Third National Convocation
March 25-27, 2019
Marriott St. Louis Airport
Participants were invited to examine the roots of systemic racism and explore the difficult work of purging ourselves, our communities, and our country of the sin of racism and its destructive effects.
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Patricia Chappell and Anne-Louise Nadeau keynoted the convocation. Both are experienced presenters and workshop leaders specializing in anti-racism work. Sister Patricia serves as Executive Director, and Sister Anne-Louise as Program Director, of Pax Christi USA.
To view photos from the event: Click Here
If you have questions, please e-mail jcwrteam@gmail.com.

JCWR Steering Committee |
Durstyne Farnan, OP | Mary Beth Hamm, SSJ | Donna Korba, IHM |
Reg McKillip, OP | Sarah Nash | Dorothy Pagosa, SSJ-TOSF |
Ann Scholz, SSND |