2020 Convocation Justice in a World in Transition: Revolutionary Love at the Intersection of Racism, Migration and the Climate Crisis

The Justice Conference of Women Religious is a network of those who serve in the ministry of peace and justice for Women’s Religious Communities. To learn more, read the about us page.

2021 Convocation
 Justice in a World in Transition: Revolutionary Love at the Intersection of Racism, Migration and the Climate Crisis. 
Justice in a World in Transition is a series of Justice dialogues that will be held virtually beginning with our Keynote speaker Valarie Kaur on Feb. 2, 2021, a talk entitled Revolutionary Love in a World in Transition.  To view this presentation click here Valarie’s talk.
Session 2Racism with keynote Briann Moye
Session 3 – Migration with keynote Ashley Feasley
Session 4 –  Climate Crisis, Keynote – Amy Echeverria.