Good and Gracious God,
Source of all life,
all creation is charged with your Divine Energy.
Ignite your spark within us,
that we may know ourselves
as truly human and holy,
irrevocably part of the Web of Life.
All creation
-each star and every flower,
-each drop of water and every person,
-each and every atom, down to its very electrons,
explodes with the revelation
of your Sacred Mystery.
Our minds alone cannot fathom such splendor.
Our hearts can only respond in awe, praise and gratitude.
Forgive us, we pray, our ignorance
and insecurities which
-blind us to your Thumbprint writ large,
-deafen us to the sacred space
between two heartbeats,
-prompt us in arrogance to demand and dominate,
-numb us to the destruction we’ve caused,
-hold us hostage to “either-or” thinking and living.
May we always walk gently upon this earth,
in right relationship.
-nurtured by your Love,
-taking only what we need,
-giving back to the earth in gratitude,
-sharing what we have,
-honoring all with reverence,
-reconciling and healing,
-mindful of those who will come after,
-recognizing our proper place as part of,
not apart from, your creation.
Grant us the strength and courage, we pray,
For such radical transformation into your Kin-dom.
Then we, too, with the very stones will shout,
By Michelle Balek, OSF